Hi, my name is
Writer, Poet
20 years
Writing Poems
So much of it
Mads Katz is an artist, a writer and a poet. Mads is very cool, Akame says so. And what Akame says goes. Blink tried to say it once, but Akame put her paw on his paw and shushed him. She looked him in the eyes and said "Thanks Blink, but I'll take it from here." She stood up on her hind legs, cleared her throat, and in the loudest, screamiest of meows, said "MADS IS COOOOOOOOL!!!" We all flinched, but we all knew. Akame was right. She always had been, and it was clear that she always would be. She hasn't spoken since that day. But sometimes, while walking to the kitchen, our eyes meet, and I know.
"A very good writer" - Blink Linguini